Unblocking Drain Wembley

Pro Drain > Rodent Infestation in Drains

Don't Let Rats Invade Your Drains! Pro Drains offers 27/4 Fast Rat Removal services in Wembley & beyond!

Freephone: 0800 118 2932
Telephone: 0208 819 1561
Mobile: 07776 115579

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Home & Business Owners: Stop Frustrating Rodent Problems

A vermin problem can be caused aboveground by food waste refuse, general uncleanliness and even a building project down the road disturbing nests. Many of our rodent investigation clients have called us after unsuccessful pest control measures, such as months of bating and the removal of dead rodents was thought to be the conclusion to the situation.

This was in the belief that the source of the rats was above ground, but then the problem would come back. The source of the infestation often lies underground and goes unnoticed by conventional pest control companies. This is when our specialist knowledge is sought, because we deal with what's happening below ground!

We employ innovative inspection equipment to locate the problem and we have years of experience assisting homeowners, restaurants, hotels and factories in eliminating the source of an infestation.

Protect Your Home or Business from Rodent Infestation

London’s vast sewer network is full of rats that scour through the miles upon miles of drain runs in search of a food source and a better place to live which unfortunately is usually our homes or place of business. A rat infestation is an unpleasant experience that a homeowner or business operator will never forget and neither want to relive, since it often results in property damage, unmistakable foul odours and an unhygienic place of work or residence.

Rat infestation in London can be a serious problem and one which poses a risk to our health - make no mistake rats are vermin. They usually find their way into our premises from a sewer and are therefore covered in bacteria and can transmit Weil's disease, also known as leptospirosis, which can be contracted by contact with their urine.

When we undertake our underground drainage system vermin survey’s we use our experience in solving the issue. We deal with these problems on a regular basis.

Rat using Sewer Drain

We found this rat using a sewer to travel to a London Household.

Traced a rat to household London

We traced its route through a drain to a laundrette - clean rat!

Traced a rat to household London

Pro Drain installed a Non-Return Valve so Rats couldn't enter the house property via Drain outside the house.


London Rat Infestation? We Find the Entry Points 

Firstly, we identify the route that the rats are using to infiltrate the drains. We then work backwards through the system to the point of entry into the property, ensuring we have not left any drain run uninspected. Once we have mapped the drainage system to ensure there are no drain runs unaccounted for, we can then advise upon and execute the necessary process of shutting the rodents out of the drains for good. On some occasions simple alterations to a drain run in order to stop the rats can be performed in the same visit as the drain inspection.

Once a rat, or rats, have found a way into your drains they will explore every connecting pipe run and can enter the property through holes in drain pipes, damaged drains and especially redundant drains. A very common fault identified within our rat infestation drain surveys is a disused drain capped off within a void, cavity wall or beneath raised flooring with just a ball of plastic bags - certainly no match for any rat.

Blocking Rodent Entry Fast: Solutions for London Drain Infestations

A simple solution to restrict entry of vermin is to cap off redundant drains at a manhole chamber invert level with a securely installed metallic drain stopper and mortar. On some occasions however, the access to a redundant drain may be a blind junction, which is identified with our drain camera. We can block this simply by the installation of a drain lining, which will effectively seal off such a junction.

The usual route from the sewer network is the lateral drain connection from which a property's private drainage system discharges to the main public sewer. Most London properties have an interceptor trap, which is usually housed within the last manhole chamber closest to the property boundary. A common fault identified here within a rat investigation drain survey is that the access cap above the interceptor trap is missing giving the rats a clear run into the private drainage system these caps are often removed to clear blockages or gain access to the lateral drain and because they were originally sealed in place more often than not they have to be broken and are rarely replaced. Eliminating this route of rat infiltration can be as simple as securely installing a removable drain stopper to close the rodding access.

If your property does not have an interceptor trap then another alternative would be the installation of an in line non return valve unit. A non return valve unit houses a plastic flap with a metallic backing that only opens with the direction of flow to discharge waste water thus remaining closed to rats coming through the drain run from the opposite direction.

Don't let rats take over your drains! Contact Pro Drains today for a thorough drain inspection and effective solutions to keep rodents out of your household or business premises in London and Greater London. Call us now on: 0208 819 1561.

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Mobile: 07776 115579

Pro Drain Freephone fast service Wembley

Freephone: 0800 118 2932

Pro Drain Telephone 24/7 Wembley London

Telephone: 0208 819 1561

Pro Drain's Credentials

Pro Drain is based in Wembley, London Serving Central London, Greater London and beyond!

Pro Drain Registered: The Water jetting Association
Pro Drain Registered with Gas Safe
Pro Drain is approved installer with Renoline
Pro Drain: Certified NADC Contractor

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